RIP MIX BURN: Cultural Industries Redefined

two-day conference hosted by Plymouth Arts Centre

Surge to Merge: Creative Industries and Cultural Regeneration
evening seminar 17 March 2005 organised by i-DAT and ICCI, University of Plymouth

chair: Roslyn Porter, Centre Manager for the Innovation Centre for Creative Industries


Dr Marta Herrero, Lecturer in the Sociology of Culture at the University of Plymouth, talked about the production of art in the context of global art markets, and looked at the role of cultural producers in the making of value in art.

Paul Kelly, Principal Arts Officer for Plymouth City Council, talked about the issues of public realm versus private entrepreneurship and placed this within the context of the Creative Plymouth initiative.

Kayla Parker, artist film-maker from Sundog Media, talked about how art and creativity sit within the economic agenda, and explored the role that creativity - with its unpredictable and unruly nature - might play in the new Plymouth.

Kayla's presentation demonstrated how artists have reclaimed public space through interventions such as street art using graffiti, posters and stickers; performance art, and digital media.

for more info see: